I’m a Historian: CRYPTO will be to the 21st century, as LAND was to the nineteenth century

TLDR: crypto will be the most important asset of the 21st century. (This post is about long term Hodling and not intended to make anyone expect to get rich with YOLO investments).
I post this because I want to live in a world where wealth is distributed and decentralized. It may be inevitable that big hedge funds and whales end up scooping the largest swaths of crypto markets. But I'd love to read posts in ten years of the 2 million r/cryptocurrency users who held and accumulated and are financially independent.
Crypto is not stock or simply digital cash. sure, according to the SEC it's a commodity, but it's really so much more.
It is land.
…because certain crypto projects, like Ethereum, will be the foundation upon which the rest of the global economy is built.
As a metaphor, think of eighteenth century landholders in the United States. (The colonizers, yes. Fucked up, I acknowledge). They owned the economy's foundation: land. Not only could they reap cash from selling land for a profit, but because land had so much power, they could literally shape the map itself. They had the power to build towns, lease real estate, and even shape government (voting was restricted to landholders for the early part of the century).
My thesis: Cryptocurrency will be no less powerful. And those who hold it early (because it's still early af) will be the ones who shape the century, or will at least maintain enough financial independence to smoke bowls all day in your favorite sweat pants like I plan to.
Much like land could, crypto can command resources, accumulate interest, host business development, and much more. Accumulate 32 Eth for your own node and you're the owner of the digital equivalent of investment real estate, earning a dependable ROI perpetually. Own Chainlink, and you control the toll road between phsyical/digital assets. And so forth…
This sort of wealth creation comes once in a century, and as big money enters the arena, crypto will become very scarce and very expensive. Now is a person's chance to accumulate a form of capital that IMO will be comparable to land in it's significance to the global economy.
The big money has known this for years as they quietly accumulated. But it's still early.
So DYOR, make up you're own mind. Just don't take this lightly, or in 50 years your grandkid's first words will be "dumb fuck".
[This is not financial advice: this post was typed by the ass of a very cute cat sitting upon the keyboard while the user lays drunk on the couch].
submitted by /u/caspertheasper
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