Help Pls?

I seriously need help as I’m in a bit of a crypto hell currently. I’m an American and I have $164 of a useless currency called USD Digital trapped on a useless (for Americans) website called They say I need ETH in order to swap my useless USDD to Bitcoin which I need to do in order to send it to cashapp and finally to my bank.
BUT they won’t let Americans buy or sell crypto there. Only trade and receive. So they told me I need to send in ETH from somewhere else and assured me that I only need $5 worth to function as “gas” for my purpose. So I made an account on Binance.US and bought $20 of ETH (the minimum allowed) and tried to send it to my wallet on
NOPE Binance.US says you need to have at least 0.02 of ETH to do that 🙃 jfc on the cross how can I get my $164 out of that hellsite without spending additional $100’s?
PS. I cannot use Coinbase
submitted by /u/PartyAdministration3
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