Used my Stimmy to buy Monero, is this what Treason feels like?

A few days ago I got my $1400 in the mail, it came on a little visa card. This was my very first stimmy. I filed taxes late and the first stimmy they gave to everyone else, they took away from me before they gave it to me, so this was my first.
Anyway, I activated the card, connected it to Cash App, and got some misc. amount of bitcoin. I sent that to cakewallet and got the Monero. I probably could have bought it all in cakewallet, they have a card option now.
There was this wierd rebellious feeling as I did it. It felt like I was rejecting the USD dollar and all of its elitist, convoluted rules, backing away from whatever violent actions support it. – and substituting it for something I really believe in: privacy, anonymity, freedom from permission, censorship resistance and so on, you know: the cypherpunk and crypto anarchist ideals.
It was a lot of fun. I hope to experience it again. Think they'll give out more stimmies?
submitted by /u/SpawnMagic
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