ONLY 7% CHANCE OF A RETURN: Only 7 Top 100 Cryptos gave an ROI if Bought/Held from 2017/2018 ATH.

I took a peak back at DEC2017/JAN2018 Bull run, and noticed only 7 of the TOP 100 then Gave you any type of return if you held till today. A couple might surprise you on this list.
Keep in mind this is just what was in the Top 100 then.
We will start from best return to least.
$1.25 JAN2018
Now $32.
2500% ROI
$22.40 JAN2018
Now $375.
Approx 1700% ROI
$0.018 DEC 2017
Now $0.058
About 325% ROI
20K peak DEC2017
Now 60K
300% ROI
$121 DEC2017
Now $192
About 60% ROI
$1440 JAN 2018
Now $2150
50% ROI
$0.87 JAN2018
Now $1.23
ROI just under 50%
Somehow Decred was a better hold than ETH.
You're good if you just hold BTC or DOGE.
Big Exchange Tokens always seem to do well, and I guess Brave isn't so bad after all.
submitted by /u/JuicySpark
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