Rx-570 4gb Gigabyte card – Low hashrate on Kawpow

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Rx-570 4gb Gigabyte card – Low hashrate on Kawpow

Hi All,

First and foremost thanks in advance to anyone that can help me out on this! I have an RX-570 Gigabyte 4gb graphics card with Hynix memory. I posted recently enough about this but I've had some updates and thought best to create a new post (original post). I have flashed it with the good-hynix timings via Polaris and applied the following overclock settings via HiveOS:

– Core clock 1150mhz

-Core Mv – 860

-Memory – 1850

-Memory MV -860

-Refresh rate 25

The card becomes unstable at memory clocks over 1850 so far (i.e. it shuts off and the rig restarts automatically) and achieves between 8.8Mh and 10Mh variable. I could be wrong but I thought it might achieve better stats than my Sapphire RX 470 Mining edition?

I am currently using TeamRedMiner with HiveOS and the AMD blockchain drivers installed. Compute mode is enabled and crossfire disabled.

Would anyone know how to get this higher?

submitted by /u/Jabusa97
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