How do I kill a simple wallet contract created using Mist using MEW?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How do I kill a simple wallet contract created using Mist using MEW?

A year ago or so I had a wallet with some etherum in it (.09) and I created something called a simple wallet contract to be able to see transactions.

The actual account has zero eth, not sure if this matters.

However now I just have the keyfile and not the original mist stuff but i figured a way to load the contract using the ABI and contract address into MEW.

When the contract and ABI is loaded in MEW I select kill, put the contract creator address into the _to field and etherum value of 0 and press "Write". And every time I get a red box on the bottom left saying insufficient funds for gas * price + value.

Anyone have an idea of what I do wrong here?

submitted by /u/tyfle
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