Lost 100% in scams, rugpulls and PnDs. Story of a noob trader

Phase 1 (0% lost):
Took 2,300 USD for investing in crypto in January this year. Bought a little eth. Made 10% profit. Saw the doge pump. Sold some eth to buy doge at near ATH. Lost 50%. But diamond hands, didn't sell. Sold all my eth for doge in the dip. In a few days, I am up 50% (1150 USD). But diamond hands, didn't sell. All my profits are gone. Sold. Bought BNB. Made 60% and sold (yay!). Bought BNB again when it dipped. It kept dipping. Profits are gone (oh no!). Sold.
Phase 2 (60% lost):
Transferred all my shit to binance. Bought CAKE and decided to go diamond hands again. CAKE dipped. Saw the top-gainers list and said "damnn 100% in a day seems good". Sold cake at loss. Started buying PnD's on binance. Made 20% profit on the first PnD. Then got a genius idea. "what if I yolo 2k in a shitcoin, sell after 5 mins, take out 1-5% profit, and make 50% in an hour". Lost 400 USD doing that *cough cough*.
Phase 3 (100% lost):
Got to know about r/CryptoMoonShots. Converted all my shit to BUSD BEP-20 (700 BUSD) and sent it to my trust wallet. oh no! BSC requires BNB for transactions. money stuck for 2 days. Got BNB (yay!). Started putting 10-20 USD in random shitcoins. Made 100% in one, lost 50% in others. Found a shitcoin that just got released. "This is it! I am early on this one. I am getting at least a 5x". Yolo-ed 100 USD, got 2x-ed, but couldn't sell. Turns out the coin was a honey pot contract (only the owner can sell) and my 100 usd turned to 6 cents :') . Lost 300 usd dreaming for 100x moonshot. Transferred 200 USD back to binance. "I am done! I am buying ALICE, DOGE and holding them… and gonna buy shitcoins using the other half". Managed to get in a new shitcoin early. Made 100 usd. "dammnn getting early on shitcoins is gud". Transferred back from binance to wallet (selling at loss, again!). Bought more new shitcoins. Got 6x-ed after a couple of buys (100 USD turned into 600 USD!). Got in a rugpull. 600 USD turned into 160 USD. Bought more shitcoins. 160 USD turned into 500 USD! "This is the way! I can recover all my loss, and get a lambo soon!". Got in a massive rugpull. 500 USD turned into a fucking 0.00000001 USD within minutes.
submitted by /u/gaypinkman
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