The Bull Case for Ethereum (Version 0.9)

Hello crypto investors, enthusiasts, and onlookers,
I have been following and studying the cryptocurrencies since early 2017. This space has changed a lot since then, and it will continue to change at a mind blowing pace. The majority of the world is still clueless about cryptocurrency, and about 1/3 of crypto investors do not understand the core technical, economic and political principles that drive the narratives behind crypto assets… specially Ethereum. With that in mind, a few months ago I decided to put together a document that fully describes the value proposition of Bitcoin and Ethereum and why some investors (including myself) believe Ethereum will eventually become more valuable than Bitcoin. I have covered basic information, but I have also introduced new ideas and perspectives that are worth reading even for veteran crypto investors.
This work is evolving into a full investment thesis and I hope that it can be used as a reference document for newcomers who are interested in understanding and learning more about Bitcoin and Ethereum. A couple of websites have shown interest in publishing parts of this theory. That is very exciting, but I feel there is also a need to have the whole story put together in one place, and as a living document. So I am planning on posting in this sub every 1-2 months with a short summary of updates and a link to the full living document. This is the first of those posts.
The feedback I have gotten from the crypto community has been immensely valuable. I encourage everyone to ask questions and challenge ideas or point out any technical errors I may be incorrect about. Updates will be slow because I have limited time to write, but I promise I will keep them coming as long as I am contributing with something of value to the crypto space.
Document links (the google doc has commenting enabled):
03-25-2021: The Bull Case for Ethereum Version 0.9
01-17-2021: A break down of the bull case for Ethereum and how it relates to Bitcoin (Original Post)
submitted by /u/TheWierdGuy
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