Players Exchange – an ETH based platform where you can earn money based on the performance of footballers!

So I posted a few days back about NFT/ETH crossover platforms with a sports focus, as there's an increasing amount of them popping up.
The one that I think is most popular, or at least well known, is Sorare. Essentially you buy virtual cards, and use them to pick a fantasy 5 a side team each week. Win the tournament and you win rewards. Its an interesting concept but the team angle didn't appeal to me, and the cards are all extremely expensive (£1k + for anyone half decent) so the entry barrier is v high.
I've since looked in more detail at Players Exchange, which is in beta at the moment and am very impressed by the potential. Rather than entering teams, the focus is on individual performance. You buy shares from a very limited cap in top players, and the best performing player each week according to their performance matrix wins ETH in return.
Haaland has risen from 0.08ETH to 0.8ETH over the last week or so, there's definitely some momentum growing behind the platform.
Anyway, since I've signed up they have given me a referral code here. I believe it gets you a 14 day money back guarantee, essentially a free trial, as well as zero network fees for depositing and withdrawing.
If anyone's interested feel free to get in touch and ask any questions. Apologies for dropping my referral, feel free to ignore it, just looks like we both benefit from it!
Interested to hear what people think
submitted by /u/_DwightSnoot_
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