ELI5: “Ethereum has weak value compared to Bitcoin with no maximum supply?”

Instead of Ethereum Developers focusing more effort on limiting maximum ether supply there is an every continuing focus on moving to Proof of Stake and taking out miners. Ethereum Supply is now 115Million Coins. Compared to ~18.6Million Bitcoin. We know complete Proof of stake is happening at some point by why limited focus on capping total supply?
I currently have about $20,000 in Ether which I worked really hard for. But I’m considering moving it all to Bitcoin. I feel unhappy with the direction Ethereum is going because scarcity is simply not there. When will Ethereum ever cross $3000? Even with staking rewards I’m not convinced the value is there compared to Bitcoin at this current rate and I’m hard pressed to have the vision where Ethereum market cap will substantially get a closer ratio with Bitcoin.
What do you all think about the future of Ethereum and future price and demand drivers for the network?
submitted by /u/300300300300
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