What took place during NFT tokenization/Minting process?

I wonder what exactly takes place during the tokenization process?
Sorry for asking this one as I am an Ethereum idiot: –
Question — It appears to me the NFT is basically a token/coin (usually Ether) making reference to the artwork (eg. .jpg file) ie. the so called smart contract is a file attached to the token/coin, nothing to do with artwork.
In another word, what is being traded is actually the Ether token, not the artwork per se, as the ownership details are actually embedded in the token file, not the artwork file itself. The two are linked together by the token making reference to the artwork.
So, anyone can still copy the artwork and the copy will still be as original, as there is no NFT information on the artwork file.
Am I right?
submitted by /u/BuZZemPat
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