Tried to post here, maybe I am being auto moderated? Probably because of the endless self promotion lately. I think this is worthy of discussion, what do you all think?

Discussion: Can NFTs go beyond digital art to physical craft? Will ethereum be used to tokenize physical collectibles?
I tried posting in r/NFT but that seems to be more of a place to post art and less a place for discussion. I read the 'Note on NFT art posts' that was stickied, so I will refrain from linking directly to my listing, Although I may link in comments if people feel like it would give better context to my question if they were familiar with the object.
So my Idea was this… I minted a NFT that is meant to accompany a physical object, in this case not a piece of art but craft. The piece is handcrafted heirloom or museum quality, meant to last generations, one of a kind and now it is tokenized and digitally signed by the maker certifying it to be authentic and unique. I believe this to be the first of it's kind being that it is craft and not art.
Any thoughts / input / suggestions would be hugely appreciated. What do you guys think? Is this idea crazy? Is this an appropriate use of the ethereum blockchain? Has it been done before? Is it the future of art/craft digital and beyond? Can craft appreciate as an investment? What might I have not thought of?
One concern I do have is the need for trust in the secondary market. I'm not sure what the answer is…. trusted third party escrow services? Auction house? Smart contract? All new emerging industry or technology?
Thanks everyone! Your input is super valuable,
submitted by /u/crazynervous12
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