Does EIP-1559 solves gas fees for end users?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Does EIP-1559 solves gas fees for end users?

Okay so let me begin with some disclaimers;

I am not a miner
I am not a full time trader
I hold a bag of ethereum (and other coins)
I have a few NFTs
I am moving to a place with cheaper electricity rate
I may want to get a mining rig.

1) I've read through the EIP-1559 proposal and… i basically almost don't understand everything.
2) What i gather from the forums and youtube channel is that it doesn't solve gas problems but it makes it predictable. So does it even benefit end users?
3) or am I severely mistaken and it actually lowers the gas fees? because seriously the gas fees suck

submitted by /u/gohkwanchin92
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