Staking is fucking dope, yo!

Think about it. We're in so early to the crypto game that in a few years when mass adoption occurs, we will 100% not see these same level of returns that we can currently get right now depending on what you stake and where.
I'm getting 12% off Kusama and will soon be getting 12% off DOT (when I can withdraw from Voyager – get your shit together, Voyager!). I have a good amount of both right now so those 12% gainz will be nice, real nice, over time. And they're safe on an exchange I trust.
I have a bunch of ADA making 5-6% interest on Daedalus, staking in Cardano pools. I have half my ETH, BTC, and my entire stash of LINK on Celsius just sitting there earning an average of over 5% interest between the 3 of them.
How fucking dope is this shit? My fiat never earned me interest. I can't guarantee those same returns in the current state of the stock market (although I'm jacked to the tits with GME shares right now too) so I just want to say how lucky we are to be in where we are now.
This is the future. We're here. And it's awesome.
submitted by /u/Son0fTheSun333
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