Where is the association of an NFT token and its object stored?

In NFTs, where is the information on the association between a token and its artwork/game item stored? I’m struggling badly to understand this.
Is the association stored in the token on the blockchain or in the database of the platform that creates the token such as Rarity, Opensea and others?
If the association is stored in the token, does it take the entire file and embed it into the token? I can imagine the token would be gigantic!
But if the association is stored in the database of a 3rd party platform like Rarity or Opensea, doesn’t that mean we have to trust this 3rd party platform?
I’m struggling to wrap my mind around this and I’m sure I’m missing something here.
Can somebody ELI5 to me, the technical details if needed, how the association between a token and it’s so called artwork or game item is stored?
submitted by /u/decorumic
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