Binance closed my account and now I can’t access my transaction history

I am doing my 2020 taxes with roughly one more month until the deadline and realizing that I am unable to access the binance account I had opened and transacted on in 2020.
I was notified in October 2020 that I needed to transfer all of my crypto assets out of my binance account and into a account by the end of the year which I promptly did. What I didn't realize was that Binance would then block online access to to my original account once the assets were withdrawn. Now I can't access the account to view my transaction history and can't fill out the crypto transaction history for my 2020 taxes.
Binance has been very slow on account verification (they took TWO MONTHS to verify my new account) and customer service and I am afraid they will not respond to my request until after the tax deadline.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how I could retrieve these transactions without the help of Binance?
submitted by /u/sgbaeza20
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