What would you want your friends and family to know about cryptocurrency?

Hello r/CryptoCurrency!
We are a team from the Center for Academic Innovation at the University of Michigan. We are creating a short, free online learning experience (a Teach-Out) on the topic of cryptocurrency to be released in May. We believe cryptocurrency to be a topic of great importance because of the huge part it will play in the future of global finance. We want to help the public get the tools and knowledge they may need to develop digital financial literacy and we are asking you to share your input into what that could look like.
If you are interested, we would like to hear from you about:
- Experts in the field that you think deliver good, clear messages to the public
- Diverse takes on different aspects and impacts of cryptocurrency
- Your favorite layman-friendly resources
- The key things a person could do to best inform themselves and prepare themselves for the future of global finance as it pertains to crypto
We don’t want to just instruct about crypto – there are many great explainer videos out there – but also give insight into why cryptocurrency matters and some of the issues surrounding it. Our target audience is your friends and family. What should they know to be able to follow the greater conversation about cryptocurrency, blockchain, mining, and the digital assets out there?
Thanks for your time! We look forward to hearing from you all and hope that you find this initiative as exciting as we do. We hope that when it opens live to learners, some of you may be interested in joining and sharing your knowledge with other learners.
submitted by /u/UM_Teach_Out
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