The only time it matters whether your portfolio is up or down is when you sell. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter and there’s no reason to worry about it, so take a deep breath and relax.

There was a post on the front page titled something like "Thank God Vechain kept my portfolio in the Green today." and it made me think why care where your portfolio is as a whole unless you're selling it all? It just leads to worrying and stress.
Oh your portfolio's down 10%? Did you really need to sell for a profit soon? Is this putting your life in turmoil? No? Ok, then don't worry about it.
Oh your portfolio's up 60%? Are you going to sell some to take profits? No? Ok, then it doesn't mean anything, no point in bragging about it.
The only time to consider these things important are when they reach or are near your thresholds of loss/profit. As numerous posts have mentioned, you should have some percentage or dollar amount that are points at which you say "Ok, if this coin goes down more than 25% I'm gonna cash out and take that loss before it's too late." And the same for profits, "If this goes up to $350 I'll sell some to take profits but still keep some to see if I can get more." Something like that.
If 5 of your picks are down but the last 2 are up enough to make your portfolio overall look "up," that's nice. But if you're not doing anything with them, then who cares? You don't need to thank the gods your portfolio is in the green today, and you don't need to freak out if it's in the red tomorrow, you just need to take a quick look and decide if you've reached a selling point (whether it's for a loss or profit).
The only people who have reason to worry are the ones who invest so much that if it crashes then their life falls apart. If you have a gambling addiction or somehow got scammed, I might empathize with you, but for everyone else who stupidly throws all their money in, I don't. This gets mentioned over and over – do not put in more than you can afford to lose. That's one of the top rules of Crypto (and investing in general). There's so many resources to research what investments are actually viable and many ways to get help to figure out what you can afford.
So yeah, take it easy, try not to worry about your portfolio as a whole. Just keep your eyes on whether or not your individual investments are hitting your personal thresholds, you'll be ok.
Oh, and to anyone thinking of commenting "I'm not worried until the hotline is on the frontpage." – You sound like r/jokes playing the oldies.
submitted by /u/TheRadHatter9
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