Pro tip for everyone having issues with high gas prices on ethereum. Heres how to save a little money.

You Do not have to pay the suggested gas price to get your transaction completed. The recommended price is only to get your transaction included in the next few blocks. If you aren't in a hurry to get your transaction completed and don't mind waiting a little you can set the gas price lower then what is suggested, and still get your transaction through in the next few minutes. Or even go much lower than what is suggested if you don't mind waiting over night for example. I do this all he time when im not in a hurry, and it saves me a ton on gas fees. FYI you can only do this in a wallet that you control, like metamask for example.
Metamask also lets you "speed up" a transaction by adding more gas to it if you get sick of waiting after paying a low fee. Keep in mind that this does not always work.
submitted by /u/Chyeadeed
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