My car’s engine gives out… and there goes all my crypto. Thank you crypto for serving as great emergency fund.

Life really throws you surprises. Shit car just gave out. Engine is a bust. Now gotta use all my tax return, ETH, and BTC to buy another and this time much better car hopefully.
Breaks my heart to let go, especially of my 1.2 ETH. Wasn't much but yeah.
If you have to spend it for emergency, you gotta do what you gotta do.
I'm gonna unsub from all crypto subs. Maybe in a year or so if I get my money back in good shape I'll come back to it. People say it's never too late, hopefully that will be still true when ETH is at $20k and BTC at $150k…
At least I'm grateful that my small amount of crypto has given me the ability to buy a newer and better car. Wouldn't have been able to if it wasn't for this. Cheers.
submitted by /u/Arnetty
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