Message to Ether miners who are planning 51% attack on Ethereum network against EIP-1559 proposal from User and Dapp developer perspective.

Yes you guys secure the network but you are just one branch of the ecosystem. From Dapp developer perspective, we develop application and bring more users to the Ethereum ecosystem, this way you guys get to process more transactions and earn more ether. Recently network fees have sky rocketed to thousand of dollars for just basic transaction, as a Dapp developer this is nightmare and threat to innovation. Think about simple projects like blockchain based passport or Covid certification on blockchain, if it cost thousand of dollars just to post simple information than no body will use it. In order to have mass adaptation Ethereum ecosystem needs to figure out on lowering the gas cost.
With some protocol changes In short term you might loose some revenue but in long run with the mass adoption and proposed deflationary model, this will generate you more income.
Currently you guys have become greedy and think that you are sole part of the ecosystem while neglecting rest of us(User, Hodlers, Dapp and Core developers). I seriously don't give shit about 51% attack, probability of having it is just a freaking tiny fraction. Even though if you guys succeed, there will be solution, the sooner you guys try the better for the whole ecosystem so that there will be better algorithm to prevent such attack.
Lower network gas fee is the future and is necessary for innovation and mass adaptation. Accept it. In long run we all win.
****Bullish on Ethereum(most undervalue project right now)****
submitted by /u/kenjirai
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