Unpopular Opinion: CZ and Binance (and exchanges in general) have done more good for crypto than those hedge fund billionaires buying bitcoin Reddit loves to praise. This sub is lowkey racist sometimes.

There's a lot of hate towards Binance recently. Maybe because BNB got the nr 3 spot. Maybe because BSC.
Plenty of posts upvoted on the front page recently telling people how "Binance is a scam". How bnb is a "chinese centralized shitcoin". How "chinese people only know how to steal and copy". How CZ is a "CCP communist scum" WTF is is this? What's this toxicity towards chinese?
People forgetting that Binance and exchanges in general are one of the main reasons the market 1.5T today.
If it wasn't for Binance being available globally you would not have this huge buying frenzy.
They hire developers in the blockchain field, they integrate different blockchains so you can just click a button. They just offered ETH 2.0 staking immediately after it went live on chain, probably hiring tens of Solidity developers to do this.
They have hired probably hundreds of developers for every different blockchain they support. Tens of iOS or Android developers and you notice how their app is amazing, They keep the market alive in the real world.
Yet Reddit loves to suck the dick of Musk or Saylor or other billionaires who just buy and hold and accumulate wealth while shitting on exchanges that continuously innovate in this field.
I can't really comprehend why this sub loves billionaires that hoard bitcoin and hates exchanges. Binance getting the harshest criticism only because they're chinese? And they're not even chinese. CEO is canadian and Binance has HQ in Malta.
If it wasn't for Binance or Kraken I would have no way to buy bitcoin. Most of the world couldnt buy. Coinbase is available only to first world countries. On Paypal you dont buy crypto. My only option would be p2p or shady exchanges. The world is not america and western europe only.
submitted by /u/jonbristow
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