Does anyone else find that cryptocurrencies have actually helped them become more financially literate?

Disclaimer: I'm relatively new to crypto, only getting into it around October/November of 2020. I was too young to get into it in 2009, 2013 or 2017. But ever since I learned about dollar cost averaging, my life has profoundly changed. I had worked different jobs before, sometimes part time, sometimes full time, but last October I started a new job and with the money I earned from that I was able to invest in crypto.
I realised today that not only has this money that I invested in BTC, ETH and then a few of the more dominant altcoins led to profits from me [albeit as of yet unrealised], but the money that I have dollar cost averaged this entire time, almost six months ago, is money that, prior to getting into cryptocurrency, when I was working other jobs and stuff, I would have simply spent on alcohol or clothes or whatever. For the first time in my life, this is the most money I have ever had to my name. And don't get me wrong, it's not a lot of money by most standards, but it's life changing or me to be able to see that discipline and restraint can lead to a fund that I can fall back on. Not only is crypto an investment for me, but it's also causing me to save money I would otherwise spend, and is making me more financially secure because of it.
Just wondering if any of you have experienced the same thing?
submitted by /u/industriousness
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