The IRS should focus on going after big corporations instead of Cryptocurrencies.

Yesterday the IRS announced "Operation Hidden Treasure" to find unreported crypto income. Of course we should all pay our taxes, its very important. However I don't think this should be the priority of the IRS right now. Specifically since they are still trying to figure out crypto. This was clear in the confusion of answering their questions on crypto for this year for people who only bought crypto without selling or converting. They eventually told people in that circumstance they could answer "no" but very late after many people already had filled their taxes.
These big corporations uderpay taxes every year by the billions. Yes the IRS could find some money with unreported crypto but nothing compared to what they could get if they audit this huge companies. Especially when they said they are looking for crypto transactions under $10k.
Basically the IRS is doesn't audit the rich because it's to much work. Instead they will go after smaller guys, with something they are still trying to figure out, and gain less money from it.
submitted by /u/Isiki777
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