I firmly believe in crytocurreny providing wealth to the 99%ers like me. I’m finally building savings.

I'm 35 and always held reliable jobs. But as a biologist I only make 33k a year. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely grateful to have any salary at all the days. I feel sorry for anyone making less these days. It's not much over what a $15 minimum wage would have provided for people. But it's hard to really build wealth these days on that salary.
I truly believe bitcoin and other cryptos have the potential to do that. I believe we are on the verge of mass adoption, and even if people can scrape up a few hundred dollars, I think it could lift them firmly into the middle class. Maybe not immediately but hopefully in 10 years or so.
In response to the gains in my bitcoin investments, this year I have started ramping up my donations to environmental, societal, and disaster relief organization who I believe all are doing good work.
I'm also thankful for the 1%s like MacKenzie Scott who believe there is no need for someone to control or ever need 50 billion dollars, which could be put toward the benefit of soo many more people.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by /u/Johnny5ish
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