Ethereum Exchange

So you’ve gone head to head with bots, scalpers, and kijiji deals gone wrong, but you have prevailed, you’ve built a mining rig and it’s awesome!
Now, what’s the next twist on this crazy ride?
Well of course we have many options, some being:
-Hold on to your loot!
-Find an online business that offers goods for crypto
-Buy and sell your coin on an exchange
These are all fantastic options and widely used by many. What was that you asked? Oh you want to trade your digital dollar for some fiat? Of course you do, you need to pay off that rig right? Right.
Well this is the question that has me wondering as well. How do you trade your ETH for fiat dollars? Can it be done anonymously? Who offers this service? Are there preferred “vendors” or options? How is this being done? The bottom line is, how do you cash your ETH in for fiat dollars with emphasis on anonymity?
Maybe it’s just me but I find this to be a slightly overlooked topic when it comes to searching for the right answers on the web. Which brings me to this wonderful community with never ending buckets of knowledge. Will you folks point me in the right direction? Maybe a few tips and tricks?
I thank you all in advance for every little bit of info that you’re willing to part with. I love this community!
submitted by /u/Limitsofapproach
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