Cheers, past me

I was clearing away some junk today and found an old USB hard drive, on which were some .txts each with a random string of words. I was confused, until I realised holy shit, these are seed phrases! I dabbled in crypto in 2016/2017 and for one reason or another life got in the way and it just fell down my list of priorities.
Well, after recovering these wallets I'm far from rich – probably pennies compared to what a lot of people here have – but at least me and partner don't need to worry about the bills this month, which is amazing. Could I hodl them for another X years and see even bigger gains? Sure, probably. But cashing it out has tangible and immediate benefits for two relatively low income people in the era of covid, so I don't feel too bad about it currently.
submitted by /u/candleofthewild
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