This is financial advice: Pay your taxes. The age of adoption is here, the age of “fucking around” has ended.

Tax season is coming, April 15 is the deadline in the US and many countries have similar deadlines. You might not like taxes, few people do, but this is the world we live in. This is the country you live in, this is the society you're a part of.
Some of you might have gotten into crypto thinking it was a way to circumvent the system, create a new financial paradigm and so forth. And crypto might still do some of those things, maybe it already is doing some of those things.
But YOU are still a citizen of whatever country you reside in. And until the world magically reinvents itself your sorry ass still has to abide by your country's laws or be prepared to face the music.
If we take Binance US as an example, this is no longer a "scam exchange" operating somewhere in the far east. This is a US company, they have a US business address, they have employees and legal responsibilities.
In matters of money laundering, fraud and taxes you can bet your sweet ass Binance US isn't going to take your side just because you create drama on public forums and try to message CZ directly. If you fuck up the safe bet is that Binance US is going to freeze your account and work with other banks, and government agencies, setting your sorry ass straight.
So don't fuck up, please. Don't mix business and personal finance, don't try to scam your way out of taxes, don't trade on other people's behalf, don't lie or bend the truth during the KYC process etc. Play it straight and have a track record.
If you don't like that you can go back to the dark web, switch to only using Monero and doing deals in alleyways, but this isn't the way 99% of crypto is going. The age of adoption is here, the age of fucking around has officially ended.
You have a month and a bit more before taxes are due, figure it out and do it by the book. Because I can bet your sweet ass that the IRS will, if not this year then the next or the one after that. And the longer you wait the worse it will get, tax amendments are preferable to tax audits and legal action.
You don't like the current tax laws? Then move or try to influence them, but don't break them. The good news is that if you play it straight then, even with taxes, the gainz will probably be enough for anyone.
TL;DR: Don't fret, do it by the book, pay your taxes, the gainz will be enough, sleep well, don't go to jail.
submitted by /u/El-0HIM
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