PSA you may have far more Moons than you think

I was trying to exchange my moons today and found out I couldn’t, my vault indicated I had moons but 0 community points. A friendly redditor sent me 1 moon which somehow fixed a bug and the floodgates opened. Over the next five minutes my moons went up 3x and I was able to exchange them for other cryptos.
Check your vault, if you’re active in this sub and haven’t been receiving moons on a regular basis, you may need a “kick start”. Just comment below and I’ll send you a moon.
Update: Sent out thirty something moons and now I’m out! If I sent you one, please be kind and send it back so I can continue kickstarting our comrades, thanks!
Update 2: thanks to a few generous benefactors, the moon kickstarts are continuing, we've sent moons to well over 50 people now!
submitted by /u/ATDoel
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