Let’s summarize the past week of crypto!

It's been an exiting exciting week with lots of movement in all directions! The sub feels a whole lot happier after this week. This is mainly due to the increased amount of potassium in /r/CryptoCurrency 's diet!
- The market cap is once again near 1.6t!
- ETH has made enormous gains! Mostly in amount of mentions in the daily, but it's also done pretty swell in its value gains. Finally above 1700 again and moving towards 1800.
- BTC broke the 50k barrier about 50k times, now having fun above 51k.
- LTO is being shilled with such intensity it has started to pump tremendously! Gratz, LTO holders!
- VET has finally started moving again and even came close to 6 cents.
- Tether has been pushed down to 5th place, and we all love seeing that.
- XRP has become stablecoin. XLM also still stablecoin, but lower on the ladder.
- DOT, UNI and LINK have seen some good movement. Especially UNI, you go you one horned horse!
- ATOM is below 20, so… ehmm, sorry ATOM lovers. 🙁
- Another seeming favourite, AAVE, at least managed to go above 400. cheers on AAVE
- NANO has fallen asleep for a week, but its cousin BANANO has been taking over its duties, making sickly gains of 100% the past week.
- Some of the regular talked about ones, IOTA, EGLD and ALGO have seen gains of 6-15%. Hey, gains are gains!
- PAID owners didn't exactly get their big bonus.
- ADA shilling has significantly reduced as it's not been moving a whole lot.
- NFT bubble has been gaining more size as the sub figured out they exist.
- ENJ got loads of attention this week.
- Oh yeah, almost forgot about this one. Doge barely been moving and even gone under 5 cents a few times. Now, let's ignore it some further.
- BNB is still waiting to board its rocket. Fueling up that gigantic thing is taking ages.
- Furthermore, BNB has gotten extra hate the past week and is now on schedule to be more hated than Doge and Musk combined.
- I found out there is a cryptocurrency called CHONK and I am still giggling over it.
- The biggest gainer of the week is CHZ, with a beautiful 157%. ENJ a close second with 154%
- Other great gainers of the week are MANA at 81%, BNT at 75%, OCEAN at 74%, FLOW at 66%, TFUEL at 54% and one we actually know, LUNA at 50%
- Only 6 coins in the top 100 actually went red this week! One of them doesn't like being talked about, though.
- The biggest loser of the week is, ehmm… ehmm, sorry ADA fanboys. You're this week's biggest loser. You lost 13%. ;.;
- Stepping outside of the top 100 we see multiple unknown coins with big gains. One has been getting some attention with a recent Binance listing. AUDIO. 131%.
- Even in the top 500, the biggest loss is only 33%. Bull market anyone? Woohoo!
(If I forgot an important one, please let me know in the comments.)
- The brave BAT few out into daylight and has become quite famous in reddit very fast. Users making cents a day watching ads!
submitted by /u/Arghmybrain
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