How to HODL and not check your portfolio every 5 minutes

Hi I realized that I check my portfolio too often for too long. To combat my addiction, I bought a ledger and moved all coins into it.
The problem was that I check my prices through the ledger live app. So I deleted the app.
The next problem was that I would plug my ledger into the laptop and check prices through there. So I set my ledger password randomly so I can't remember.
The next problem was that because I had my pass code, I could recover my wallet. So I cut it up and scattered it around my room.
The next problem was that I would glue all pieces together and check my prices. So I sold all my coins so I don't have a reason to check them anymore.
Today, I check prices to see how much I would have made if I didn't sell them
TLDR: Sell your coins. Still check portfolio
submitted by /u/Chikkin1013
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