Anti-poll to keep memes on this subreddit…

Instead of going completely nuclear on memes why don't we just try to scale back the memes to just on Sundays? I mean FFS the only posts I see on Sunday's right now are memes and "bloody Sunday" posts, why not keep it that way?
In 2018 memes were the only thing on this sub that actually put a smile on my face. Memes are consistently the lifeblood of adoption. Look at how many people we got to join this sub during the Doge coin meme craze last month!! It's an insane thought to want to get rid of them. Meme posts are the backbone of Reddit, and to completely remove them from this sub makes me feel icky.
Are we all really that pretentious that we all collectively hate meme weekend and would rather never see memes again than to just not look at the memes? You all really would rather spend your weekends the same way you spend your weekdays on this sub? Just sitting there reading the same shill, FUD, no quality CoinDesk links…
I say nay! Keep the memes! Keep cryptocurrency cool! Keep cryptocurrency fun! All you fun haters can just go outside on the weekend if you really don't want to see the memes! or y'know just use a filter on reddit to only sort by OC…
submitted by /u/HuskerNatChamps2020
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