“Cypto is too expensive right now. I’ll wait for it to drop a bit”, I heard this week. Truth is: any amount you can invest is a fair amount. You do you.

TL;DR: invest any amount you can and don't think crypto is too expensive. If you think that "100 dollars can turn into 500 in the future" rather than "100 dollars won't give me much in terms of BTC", you're on the right way.
I've been hearing crypto is expensive since the early 2010's. "ONE dollar for a Bitcoin? Are you insane?" or "No way this TEN dollars per Bitcoin is sustainable". Guess what: people who said this missed the boat, but the boat that sailed at their time! Every day a new boat departs. You do you.
While talking to a good old friend of mine, who wants to invest his pension, he told me he believes crypto is "too expensive right now". My first question was: expensive to whom? What amount you think is too expensive to put in? From his answers, he did not know much what he was talking about. He looked at BTC, ETH and was only seeing prices, without knowing that you can e.g. not buy a whole Bitcoin or put as little as you feel comfortable with in any coin you want. In addition, he thought the space is for get-rich-quick schemes, which clearly is not the case.
I truly understand the feeling that crypto, and in special BTC, is getting too expensive for the average folk to acquire a whole coin, but the idea of having 1 BTC has become almost as a fetish, since it can be divided in a hundred millionth of a coin and one of the final goals, if you will, is to save some buying power for your future self.
Don't think on how many Bitcoins/Satoshis/Other_coins you can buy, think about by how much your initial investment can grow.
If you think BTC is expensive, go for other awesome projects you have out there, such as ADA, DOT, NANO, ETH (EDIT: here considering the psychological effect that owning 1+ coins feels better than owning parts of a whole, at least to some people). Do your research. Ask questions. Read a lot.
Investing in crypto is stressing sometimes, but, at least to some, it pays off.
If you can't invest much, don't worry. Invest what you can and when you can.
Be easy on yourself. Not everyone is paid in dollars or euros or pounds. Some currencies are weaker, but hey, that's not your fault! You do you.
Just be easy on yourself and remember that taking profits is not a bad idea as well. Take care of your mental and physical health. Godspeed to you all!
We're still early.
submitted by /u/reddito321
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