I’m from a second world country, but I’m still investing in crypto what I’m able to

Our wages for honest hard working people are pretty low, we have a near-dictatorship politics, we are supposed to work until we're 65-67 years old, our retirement funds won't be enough for a proper life.
I'm only 19 but I want to start my adulthood being financially responsible and investing in my future. I'm no longer spending it on myself, I'm spending it only on what is necessary and rest of it is put into stocks and crypto.
I don't want to work hard until I get an heart attack, I want to spend my last decades travelling around the world and doing what I love.
I don't want to trust government on keeping me alive and fed when I'm old.
I don't want to rely on banks and inflatable currencies.
I want to escape the system and stop worrying about money, finances.
All of this is possible thanks to the crypto world. It's our future, and even if I won't see coins being mass-adopted for everyday use when I'm alive, I know I was one of the few enligthened ones who believed in a better financial system.
Thank you.
submitted by /u/Rexile
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