Bought my partner an engagement ring with money from crypto

Hi all. This kind of goes against my better judgement, as I know there are lots of posts like this and it can come across as braggy, cringey etc.
None of my friends or family know much/anything about crypto, and I really wanted to share this with someone.
The start of the year has been really difficult, but being able to get the ring my partner deserves really helps.
As a slight side-note – I know the thing around here is to HODL like your life depends on it, but it’s really rewarding to set a target and reach it (even if it’s relatively small).
The crypto space is so volatile, you’re really not making the most of it constantly holding through spikes.
Anyway, thanks for all the advice on here – I wouldn’t have felt comfortable investing without the support places like this provide.
And sorry again for the cringey af post.
submitted by /u/digit_lol
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