Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools


Has anyone heard of this new token? Designed to give back to those who’ve paid the most in ETH gas fees. Went live a few hours ago, the Twitter page already has 5k followers, bunch of blue checks and the WSB Chairman are already in. Introducing Gas DAO submitted by /u/JDF4040 [link] …
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How does the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap impact the current market?

submitted by /u/Jacob_Black_ [link] [comments]

Arcane Research releases its crypto predictions for 2022

The research firm made numerous predictions about crypto in 2022 about the price, regulations, Bitcoin’s hashrate, and even the fate of XRP and ADA.

Bitcoin dominance falls under 40%

While Bitcoin critics claim this means that BTC is losing its first-mover competitive advantage, others are anticipating the “altcoin season” is just around the corner, or might even be already underway.

2022 is less then 3 days away… What’s your plan?

With everything going on in the world, COVID, hyperinflation, China pushing boundaries as well as Russia, I think 2022 will be very interesting for crypto. I really think this will be the year crypto breaks out and becomes a staple for Finacial wealth and seen for what it is. It is the future. It has…
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Binance Coin Dubbed “Winner Of 2021” By Crypto Research Firm

It’s official, this was Binance Coin’s year. There are no two ways about it, BNB crushed it throughout 2021 and cemented itself as the third more popular coin in the world by market capitalization. Not a small feat, considering the phenomenal year that altcoins had. Several coins had their moment in the sun, capturing capital, headlines, and attention. No one got near Binance Coin, though. Binance Coin’s stellar performance | Source: The Weekly Update According to Arcane Research’s The Weekly Update: “Bitcoin may have beaten the stock market in 2021, but it has been left in the dust by other cryptocurrencies. Binance Coin (BNB) is the best performer of the three biggest cryptocurrencies by market cap, with a 1344% gain. The Binance Smart Chain ecosystem has seen massive growth in 2021, taking some market share from Ethereum.” That’s why they dubbed Binance Coin as “the winner of 2021,” and their point is well taken. However, there’s more to the story. Binance as a company was in hot water for a while there. And their own validators blasted the Binance Smart Chain, saying things like, “There doesn’t appear to be any reasonable testing process in place. Every update appears to make things worse.” Let’s explore the Binance Coin ecosystem’s tumultuous year. Big Projects Decided To Operate On The Binance Smart Chain There’s no denying it. As The Weekly Update says, “Ethereum has lost its indisputable position as the “one and only” smart contract platform.” And Binance has a lot to do with that. A controversial project from the start, the Binance Smart Chain has been dubbed a centralized Ethereum clone. And they have a point. However, even though the Binance team did fork Ethereum’s code, they were always upfront with the direction of the project.  In BSC’s documentation, the team shamelessly claims that the “Binance Smart Chain uses a consensus model called Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA). (…) This consensus model can support a short block time and low fees, and it only requires 21 validators to run.” Contrast that with the 11.000 nodes that reportedly support the Ethereum ecosystem.   Also, their plan worked and projects flocked to it: “Binance Smart Chain was developed explicitly to solve Ethereum’s rising gas fees and offers faster, scalable, and cheaper transactions. In the past, several alternative blockchains have tried to become ‘Ethereum Killers’ but couldn’t succeed in capturing new project’s interest. However, Binance Smart Chain is hosting numerous blockchain, Defi, and crypto projects.” Problems And Connection To The Binance Coin However, as in Ethereum’s case, success came with scalability problems. A set of validators took to GitHub to raise concerns about the state of the network and how running a complete node’s cost has increased tremendously.  “There is no code review, patches are simply committed, in most cases even without a proper description of what they do or what problem they try to solve,” the original poster said.  “I’ve rarely seen something handled so unprofessionally,” the OP accused. “I have many full nodes running there and now all of them are unable to sync. Each of these servers costs me $800 per month (previously only $200), then you told me that I need faster bandwidth and disk which means the cost will keep rising,” a commenter claimed.  What does this have to do with the Binance Coin? Everything. As the native currency of the Binance ecosystem, BNB’s success is tied to the success of the whole network. Binance is still doing amazing, but, can Binance Coin holders count on that to be the case in 2022? BNB price chart for 12/29/2021 on Binance US | Source: BNB/USD on Make No Mistake, Binance Coin Won 2021 It was an action-packed year, but Binance Coin rose to the test. Besides the validators uprising, the Binance team took care of these flash loan hacks and kept BNB’s price rising throughout the year. When CZ himself called for other entrepreneurs to create their own coins, NewsBTC was the voice of reason: “Binance is not only the biggest exchange in the world; it also has the most activities, features, things to do. BNB powers all of that. How many coins support that huge of an ecosystem? How many coins have that many use cases? And yes, BNB provides its user with superpowers while in the Binance ecosystem and helps them save money. How many other coins can do something similar?” Let’s not kid ourselves, the Binance Coin AKA BNB is a unicorn. A one-of-a-kind project that did many things right and rewarded the early believers with a phenomenal year. A 1344% increase in price is not something we see every day. Congratulations to Binance Coin for owning 2021. Featured Image: Foundry on Pixabay | Charts by TradingView & The Weekly Update

New $768 Billion Defense Bill Removes Cryptocurrencies From National Strategy Against Terrorists

submitted by /u/OfficialNewMoonville [link] [comments]

Legal Experts Say It’s Too Late to Ban Crypto, India Needs Comprehensive Regulation

Indian legal experts reportedly say that it is too late to ban cryptocurrency despite calls for a complete crypto ban by the central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), an affiliate of the nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, also passed a resolution calling for an outright ban on crypto. Meanwhile, […]

When in Doubt Zoom Out

RVN was valued at 0.013 exactly 1 year ago… submitted by /u/ChiggenTendys [link] [comments]

Finding my ether on etherscan

I copied my ether address off Binance and searched it on etherscan. It told me that the wallet could not be found. So my friend tried it and etherscan told him that he holds .3 ether in that wallet. The odd thing is, he doesn’t hold any of his ether on Binance. Does anyone have…
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