Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

The fear you are experiencing today is the exact reason why you would not have held your Bitcoins even if you managed to buy it for less than $100 in 2013

"If I had bought BTC in the early days for less than $100, I would be a millionaire now," is what most of the people think when they get into crypto. But, would you be able to hold them through such high volatility over the years? If you want to become rich, you need to…
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What was your initial reaction when you checked your portfolio and charts today?

Just woke up had breakfast one of the days i didn't check the charts just after waking up, hell didn't even see the news also. Came back to my phone checked my portfolio and I seriously thought I was hacked off my coins because of how fast my portfolio shrank, had to look at it…
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R/CryptoCurrency mods are corrupt.

I make shit-post comments on the daily discussion thread. Mostly they are parody comments, but unique ones, and also unique jokes that I have come up with. I usually get 4-6 upvotes consistently, and this mild-success has attracted envious predators. Two users have been brigading my comments and reporting me for spam for every comment…
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El Salvador stacks 150 Bitcoin after BTC price crashes below $50k

With this purchase, El Salvador’s Bitcoin reserve now amounts to 1,270 BTC, which is worth nearly $60.3 million at the time of writing.

Why the F would you be selling now? Just why?

Seriously. Putting aside the immediate need for cash like either way you had to liquidate today anyway; bills are due, whatever. Why would you be selling today? I’m not saying go and buy because I wouldn’t suggest something I’m not doing, although I chose a bad day to dca earlier when shit wasn’t on fire…
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Any predictions on how long will be until everything starts going up again?

Im a newb and want to buy low but I don't want to buy now if it will continue to drop for the next month or day or however long. submitted by /u/wodensday14 [link] [comments]

Gas prices right now are crazy, anyone seen anything higher than this?

submitted by /u/Ryuta11 [link] [comments]

Show me you have the balls to dollar cost average! Market down 18% you better be DCA’ing down!

submitted by /u/TheRealDukeNukem [link] [comments]

Wanted: A Fat Ass Whale

Investors in Ethereum and other blockchain currencies will wake up tomorrow searching for the Moby Dick of the main cryptocurrencies, which dropped precipitously between 10-20% across the board in the matter of minutes. If spotted, please contact me as this whale is needing of a harpoon. submitted by /u/qualite_superieure [link] [comments]

Rx 480 & 570 4gb cards. Are my oc settings up to par? Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/lx277_60 [link] [comments]