Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, and Proof of Reputation

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has lately been one of the most popular crypto concepts, and for good reason. In the past few years, DeFi has managed to bring a sweeping change in the financial world. The Ethereum blockchain network is used for the majority of DeFi projects since it is the first to provide an architecture…
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Why there are no updates since 10 months on github? is this normal?

submitted by /u/smoke121gr [link] [comments]

Top 3 Layer 2 solutions

The scalability issue of Ethereum was handled early on, and solutions for gas prices and Transactions per Second (TPS) were developed one after the other. Layer 2 (off-chain solution) stands out in particular. Layer 2 is distinguished by the fact that it is based on Layer 1 and inherits Ethereum's security. They are capable of…
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Do you feel everything you buy goes down? actually there might be a reason behind it!

For a long time it seems like anything I buy goes to shit. And it seems like I am not alone. But is it just a bad feeling in a very volatile market or is there some truth behind it? Both! Some only feel that way because their mind cherry picks huge gains. But for…
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HSBC enters The Sandbox to offer educational finance games

Partnership hopes to promote financial literacy via gamified experiences within the metaverse.

The Merge is coming: what, why and when?

Since its inception in 2015, Ethereum has been pushing through the new frontiers of cryptocurrencies, adding a block of transactions every 12 or 13 seconds on average through its Proof-of-Work consensus. Today, Ethereum’s Proof-of-Work security model is estimated to consume roughly 100 TWh per year according to Digiconomist, the equivalent of a country like the…
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Snoop Dogg may be the face of Web3 and NFTs, but what does that mean for the industry?

Snoop Dogg appears to be the unofficial face of Web3 and possibly even NFTs, but what is the real impact Web3 can have on creative industries?

US Authorities to Return Over $500,000 Worth of Bitcoin to a Scammed Elderly Person

submitted by /u/handful_of_prozac [link] [comments]

Fed Hikes Benchmark Bank Rate for the First Time Since 2018, FOMC Expects 6 More Increases

On Wednesday, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and Fed chair Jerome Powell held a press conference concerning the American economy, the central bank’s plans to address inflation, and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Powell announced that the FOMC decided to increase the benchmark bank rate by a quarter percentage and further noted the Fed anticipates […]