Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

IMF global financial stability report sees complex roles for cryptocurrency, DeFi

Decentralized finance offers a mix of risks and benefits as it forms interconnections with traditional finance, the International Monetary Fund finds in a new report.

YouTubers are still promoting Safemoon…

You might have seen the post by TNG posted earlier about Coffeezilla's YouTube video citing Safemoon as a scam (video: Coffeezilla). I'm glad it's being exposed for the scam it truly is however, there are some that still believe in this token despite all the evidence! And you know what, it's fine if you still…
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One month ago I started playing Gods Unchained, a free to play, play to earn crypto game. Here is an unbiased review from someone with [almost] nothing to lose or gain by telling the truth.

Disclosure: when I got into this game I had none of the tokens associated with this game other than ETH. As of writing I have roughly $150 in GODS which is the token you are paid for playing the game. I have invested zero of my own money or crypto into the ecosystem; I am…
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How to implement a token burn fee for each transaction(custom token)

Hello, I want to implement a fee that burns some percentage of token each time a transaction occurs. How can I do this without changing my deployed token contract? submitted by /u/Wielded1 [link] [comments]

Hi I have some questions regarding solidity security/syntax

Hi guys I'm learning Solidity and have a few questions I'd like clarified. I hope I can post this here, I posted on r/ethdev too but I think r/ethereum is more active. When sending eth to an address that calls a function is this the right way to do it? : (bool success,) ={value:…
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US Air Force files trademark application for 'SpaceVerse' initiative

SpaceVerse was defined as “a secure digital metaverse that converges terrestrial and space physical and digital realities” as well as provides a simulated environment for training.

Vitalik: Ethereum, Part 2

submitted by /u/giugiacaglia [link] [comments]

Advice needed on crypto friendly bank?

Lloyds bank can get f*cked. They have literally cost me thousands in profit by blocking my payments to Coinbase and other exchanges. Can anyone recommend the best bank for purchasing crypto from exchanges in the UK? Thanks guys!! submitted by /u/888Enki888 [link] [comments]

Mysterious Bitcoin Whale Accumulates Over $117,000,000 in BTC in Just One Week

submitted by /u/Underrated321 [link] [comments]

New digital game show uses Ethereum behind the scenes!

submitted by /u/nsjames1 [link] [comments]