Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Why you should provide liquidity to moons. The pros and cons. Plus a but about impermanent loss

Many people are scared or unsure about liquidity providing. Admittedly, it is a daunting task for many new players. So here is a list of pros and cons about providing liquidity for moons, and some information about impermanent loss. Pros: Help the moon ecosystem. More liquidty means less sudden volatility and prices jumps Get high…
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So MFA ≠ Invincibility After All: Explaining Pass-The-Cookie Attacks *for noobs like me*

Edit: Thank you all for the active and wonderful responses. I am wowed. One of you has also added another way of minimizing the risk. Check it out down there TLDR: Read the title again and then say this after me… "Cookie, bad." One of today's hottest crypto stories is that of Vitalik's twitter hack…
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Beware of crypto phishing emails

Hi everyone, I wanted to share a warning with you all about some crypto phishing emails that me and my friends have been receiving lately. They mostly fake FTX withdrawals and other exchanges that went bankrupt. I don’t know if it’s just us because maybe some scamers got our emails or if it’s a global…
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If there ever is a USDT collapse, you will not escape it even if you don’t use USDT.

I keep seeing a lot of posts and/or comments about how "USDT is shady so I don't use it, I prefer USDC instead so I'll be fine even if they're gone". This is a grave misconception that can have serious implications in the future. ​ I'm here to demonstrate that even if you never touch…
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1 Year Later, What have we learned from Ethereum and The Merge?

submitted by /u/Lord-Nagafen [link] [comments]

Bitcoin UTXOs echoing March 2020 'black swan' crash — New research

BTC price performance may be weathering a storm not seen since COVID-19 sparked a 60% drawdown three-and-a-half years ago.

crypto ‘trading’ is far more accessible to the public than stocks trading

many developing countries (this includes my own) accessing and participating in cryptocurrency markets has become easier compared to traditional stock markets. This is because the easy accessibility as there is many p2p platform.. also the including regulatory dynamics, technological advancement I think it is really wonderful to witness that how cryptocurrencies have became so much…
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Is POW better for ethereum or POS?

I have always wondered, if POS is a better way to mine, it seems unfair for those who came later What do ya all think? submitted by /u/Southern-Opposite743 [link] [comments]

Bitcoin 4-Year Cycles Might Not Be Linked to Halvings, But Money Supply Shifts

submitted by /u/cajunrajing [link] [comments]

The early crypto days of Mt. Gox were absolutely wild: Double spend and massive market manipulation was the norm.

Here’s some much needed perspective over how far crypto adoption and trust has come so far. The Early days of crypto were absolutely wild. It’s 2010, Bitcoin has been around for 2 years and Nokia was losing the battle against Apple’s relatively new and revolutionary iPhone. The scars of the financial collapse of 2008 were…
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