Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Vechain just announced their partnership with Salesforce!

submitted by /u/dota2portaltv [link] [comments]

I found ANOTHER good MIT course on blockchain

This is a free course which goes more into the technical side of the cryptocurrency than the other one, I have seen the first 3 and it's a really good course for someone who has a bit computer knowledge and time YouTube link submitted by /u/Sapphire930 [link] [comments]

Now worshiping the Raven gods Kaw Kaw!

submitted by /u/KleverAlias [link] [comments]

Kraken Confirms Its Plan to Go Public in 2022

submitted by /u/Probetsman [link] [comments]

Display stops working and hashrate drops after a few hours

As the title says when I mine for a few hours I'll go from 20Mh/s to 3-4Mh/s, at the same time that happens my display goes black and wont turn on without rebooting. I'm on windows 10 with ryzen 5 3500x (no integrated gpu) and 2 rx 580 8GB, it doesnt matter which card I…
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One aspect many are missing about Raven

I have read tons of posts in this thread lately.. especially about price projections (some are realistic others are not IMO). I also typically do not post so please bear with me. One facet of a rally that is missing from almost all arguments are the miners. And I come from a lot of experience…
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I bought $1k of the Top 10 Cryptos on January 1st, 2018 (March Update/Month 39)

​ EXPERIMENT – Tracking 2018 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – Month Thirty-Nine – UP +30% The full blog post with all the tables is here. Welcome one and all, especially newcomers to the Top Ten Crypto Currency Experiment! tl;dr First things first, let's moon some Moons: A 20% bonus for doing nothing with Moons?!?! Naaah, let's…
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Raven Wallet “sign in”?

Howdy, [NEWBIE ALERT] I've recently opened a Ravencoin Wallet via the Android App. That's where I keep all my precious ravens. Issue is I downloaded the Desktop version too, downloaded all past activity within the blockchain but obviously the balance in it is 0. I assume the software automatically generated a new wallet address for…
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