Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

My favorite trading signal: “the Kraken Flash Crash”

What's up my fellow nerds! I wanted to take a moment and have a discussion with everyone in this community about leverage. I am sure when you read the headline for this post, you were not expecting me to dive right into one of the more complex nuances of trading, and one that can cause…
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FUN FACT: Entire Cryptocurrency accounts for only 0.16% of the global wealth. It’s NOT too late to invest.

The global cryptocurrency market cap has recently reached a new milestone of 2 trillion $, which is impressive, but pales in comparison to the entire global money and investments valuation of 1.2 Quadrillion $. This leads to Cryptocurrency being able to secure a meagre 0.16% of the entire global market. Here's an article to help…
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The main problem of Cryptos are Exchanges like Binance: they are like banks, but totally worse and not trustworthy.

I'm in the crypto world since few months but if I learned something is that the main problem of Cryptos is that there isn't a trustworthy exchange. We all say that thanks to crypto we can cut off the middleman (banks), but actually we're just replacing it with something worse like these exchanges that works…
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How much of your total investment portfolio is in crypto? 🤔🤔

My fellow crypto holders, How much of your total investment portfolio is in crypto? As crypto had risen quite a lot, the share of crypto in my total investment portfolio has risen from 15% to 50%+. I would ususally rebalance my portfolio, decreasing the % of crypto to 15%, but I’m too bullish to do…
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With gpu prices skyrocket, should i just buy eth instead of building a mining rig?

i have a 1660 6gb that is not being used. i plan to just use that one for mining and buy one or two 1660s so i just need the other parts like mobo, psu etc. or should i just sell this and just buy eth and build one next year if the price recedes?…
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FIL on the rise: Filecoin’s upcoming production cut alters tokenomics

Filecoin’s sudden rise to the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap, however brief, points to its potential as it’s driven by community in China.

2035 be like

submitted by /u/Parawhoar [link] [comments]

Congrats to anyone who (like me) hodled XRP for the past 3-4 years!

In early January 2018, I was persuaded to fomo into XRP, promised it'd make me one day rich… Little did I know what I was about to get into, or that I was about to throw huge chunks of money too close to this shitcoin's ATH. The following 3-4 years became all about hodling and…
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Report Claims Ukrainian Officials Hold Over $2.6 Billion in Bitcoin

The latest declarations from Ukrainian public officials revealed a billion-dollar amount of money they allegedly own in bitcoin. An online incentive gathered data from 791,872 state employees and 652 respondents disclosed their crypto holdings. The Biggest Crypto Holder in the Report Has 18,000 BTC According to the Opendatabot site, officials currently hold a total of […]

The Creation of ETH. Rare 1 of 1 nft on Opensea

submitted by /u/Nft4light [link] [comments]