Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Coinbase Gifts 100 Shares Each to 1,700 Employees Ahead of Public Listing

submitted by /u/username_takne [link] [comments]

Why does everyone love RocketPool?

I have been into crypto for a little bit and I know Ethereum will allow staking soon and I always see RocketPool evangelists whenever staking eth is mentioned. I know that Rocket Pool can't exist before eth staking goes live so I don't understand where all the hype comes from. submitted by /u/TheAwesomeJunk…
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Exodus Wallet raises almost $60M in crypto in regulated offering

Exodus’ claimed record share sale is set to be shattered by Coinbase later today.

Noob looking for answers.

With Berlin hard fork coming, is there anything people who only HODL need to do? submitted by /u/Redditisapuppet [link] [comments]

Civil Lawsuit Against Craig Wright Wants High Court to Rule Against His Bitcoin White Paper Claims

The Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a bitcoin industry working group focused on patent laws, has filed a civil lawsuit in the UK against Craig Wright. For many years now Wright has insisted he is Satoshi Nakamoto, but has yet to prove so to the greater crypto community. COPA is looking to get the UK […]

Coinbase listing is a “watershed moment for all crypto”

submitted by /u/ag431397 [link] [comments]

Bitcoin futures open interest soars to new heights ahead of Coinbase listing

Open interest in Bitcoin futures is soaring but volumes are falling.

Berlin Hardfork Countdown

submitted by /u/ElBuenMayini [link] [comments]

Lighthouse Update #35 — Sigma Prime

submitted by /u/twigwam [link] [comments]

ShapeShift adds decentralized native bitcoin trading through integration with THORChain

CryptoNinjas » ShapeShift adds decentralized native bitcoin trading through integration with THORChain ShapeShift, a non-custodial cryptocurrency platform, today has announced their decentralized exchange mobile platform is now fully integrated with THORChain, enabling users for the first time to trade native (unwrapped) bitcoin with litecoin and ethereum. The capability is expected to be available on their…
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