Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Web 3.0 and casinos, a new era of gambling is upon us

What do gambling and Web 3.0 have in common? It might be hard to see at first glance, but with the adoption of VR technology from the mainstream population, we are increasingly going to be out of the physical world. The global online gambling market is forecasted to be valued at more than $92.9 billion…
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So im trying to stake on Rocketpool and I need Goerli Eth?

So im new to the staking scene, I just pulled my Eth off Coinbase like 2 days ago and moved onto a hardware wallet. Trezor, if it matters. Im trying to stake on Rocketpool and it seems I need Goerli Eth. Now is there that like 80 dollar gas fee just to move from my…
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NYSE celebrates historic 'first trades' with NFT series

The NYSE’s NFTs will celebrate the first trades made in the shares of Spotify, Unity, DoorDash, Snowflake, Roblox, and Coupang.

April 14 promises to make history

From what I've been seeing, there's news about crypto almost everyday and many have been quite bullish lately. But, sometimes, true developments occur. And Wednesday happens to be the date when we'll see two big things: The Berlin upgrade to Ethereum and Coinbase's IPO. I'm excited to see the effects of these two simultaneous events,…
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15 Languages just went live on 🚀

submitted by /u/twigwam [link] [comments]

Berlin hard fork as a miner

If I’m mining to a meta mask wallet, do I need to do anything to keep doing that after the hard fork? Does my eth have to be transferred or changed somehow? Do I need to download a new version of my mining software? What are the implications the fork is going to have on…
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By The Numbers: The Rate Bitcoin Must Climb To Reach $100K By July

Bitcoin is a numbers game through and through. There are only 21 million BTC. The code and its consensus algorithm are both made up of complex math. The total coins are slashed in half every four years, and so on and so fourth. Most important of all, here’s the growth rate Bitcoin price must hit […]

Spanish Tax Authority Issues 14,800 Warning Letters to Cryptocurrency Holders

Spanish authorities are enforcing their tough stance on the cryptocurrency industry, and the national tax agency seems to be taking it very seriously. Now, the Hacienda issued 14,800 warning letters to Spaniards under their watch for allegedly having failed or need to declare crypto holdings. Fines Could Be ‘Over $5,900’ if a Crypto Holder Fails […]

Bitcoin’s time has come: TIME magazine to hold BTC on balance sheet

TIME magazine has partnered up with Grayscale to drop a series of educational crypto videos, and has agreed to be paid in Bitcoin.

Just realised I haven’t seen memes on the subreddit for weeks – does anyone else agree we made the right choice with banning memes?

Scrolling through the subreddit for my daily dose on informative crypto news and realised I haven't seen low quality moon farming memes and i had a sudden flashback of how bad it was on the weekends. It's been great. Anyone else glad they don't have to scroll past endless unfunny memes on weekends now to…
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