Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Daily Discussion – April 19, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Purchasing Eth in Canada

Hello everyone, I've been buying Eth on WealthSimple since its available, but I know that "not your key, not your crypto" and I would like to start a wallet and stacking some real coin. I dont see a lot of info for the best way to do it in Canada. I saw Binance being refered…
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Brave/BAT is quite possibly the most under represented crypto company/token

I know everyone says this about "mycoin™" but Brave actually has the stats to back it up and its not just conjecture. Currently Brave is sitting at about 30m monthly users and growing extremely rapidly. Nearly 1.15m content creators are verified, and some of the largest advertisers in the world are advertising on brave and…
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DO NOT use Robinhood to buy Crypto Currency

There are a lot of new members coming due to the recent increase in the price of Dogecoin so I think this needs to be said again. YOU DO NOT own any Crypto Currency that you buy on Robinhood, you can not withdraw any cryptocurrency you buy on Robinhood, platforms like Robinhood defeat the whole…
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Future of RVN? (Discussion)

Hey all! I'm a relatively new crypto miner. I have a 4GB 460 in my tower and I just let it run NBMiner 24/7. I earn a little over 4 RVN a day doing this. I currently use my laptop with a 6GB RTX2060 as a main computer right now, but I usually let that…
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Friendly reminder on how to reduce Coinbase fees

If you're a crypto veteran or are not a Coinbase user, you can move on, there is nothing for you to see here. If you are new to crypto this bull run, or if you are just getting into crypto after the Coinbase public offering, and you're looking at Coinbase and trying to understand their…
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Is it worthwhile to get into LOOM?

I have been going through cryptozombie to get acquainted with solidity and eth programming. I have been very impressed with the this tutorial series. It is developed by the Loom team. I think the quality of cryptozombie attests to the competence and capability of the people building Loom. In particular, it shows what a great…
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Always keep cash on your crypto account

I've been investing in crypto for a short year, I made a lot of mistakes which is great: it's how we learn best. Yesterday's "crash" was an opportunity to prove to me that my strategy adjustment was not useless: if I invest 100, I keep 100 in cash in my crypto account. Why ? Because…
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US Lawmaker Warns Treasury Secretary and Fed Chair Not to Ignore Bitcoin or America Will Fall Behind

Congressman Kevin McCarthy has urged Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell not to ignore bitcoin like they have been trying to do. He believes it is the future, emphasizing, “I do not want America to fall behind” other countries. Government and the Fed Should Not Ignore Bitcoin GOP leader Kevin McCarthy […]