Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Trading apps usurp TikTok in popularity

Does that mean trading is more popular than social media now?

Tesla posts $1bn profits from Bitcoin, made in just 10 weeks

submitted by /u/Dwez1337 [link] [comments]

VeChain (VET) reaches new ATH of $0.21. Thank you for shilling me this project

VeChain just reached it's new ATH $0.21 with a market cap of $13,184,601,574. It's up 75% in last 24 hrs, even with all the money going into meme projects. Lowering those transaction fees and all the new partnerships certainly helped this. I'd like to thank this sub for shilling me this project back when it…
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Bitcoin caught in the crossfire as Turkish opposition leader voices support

A blanket ban on crypto, Bitcoin is now also a talking point for Turkey’s politicians.

Want to make money in crypto and stocks? Literally just do the opposite of what a rational person does

Fundamentals are out of the window. People think they are genius investors. People with no clue about crypto are making more money than your “portfolio” because Elon tweeted about a funny dog coin. I’ve made some money in this market, but it kind of hurts to know that if I tossed out all of my…
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Ethereum bulls hedge their bets ahead of next week's $250M ETH options expiry

$250 million in Ethereum options are set to expire on April 23 and derivatives data shows bulls still have a slight advantage.

As a sub lurker, some of you guys are drama queens

tbh, its a bit funny. But some of you guys are taking the discusions way to serious. So much top post are just trying start a argument of call someone/something out, just because they don't like it. I think we all know the crypto community atracts alot of different people. Some people are here for…
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Vechain VET

One of the best investments I’ve made since getting into crypto is VET. I think the future is extremely bright for this project and was wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on it for a long term Hodl. Unfortunately I don’t think a lot of people even know about it right now. submitted by …
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Thinking about staking; is there a fee to transfer holdings from Nano X to a staking platform?

Title says it all, I have my holdings on a Ledger Nano X, and I'm wondering what the fees are to transfer my tokens to a staking platform. Twitter is all about Gas fees, but I truly believe in the Utility and future of ETH. I simply don't understand some of the nuances of this…
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It is done. I’ve just told goodby to DOGE and hello to RVN. 🥳🥳🥳👍👍👍🥰

Elon Musk now it is your turn 😎 submitted by /u/rravv200000 [link] [comments]