Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How much ETH is “enough”?

I appreciate that it is all down to perspective and what would mean a lot to the holder is dependent on their respective situation … but if you had to put a figure on it? In my opinion it would be enough to cash out 20% after this bull run and still leave 80% to…
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Democracy Awakens – Introducing the Proof of Humanity DAO

submitted by /u/twigwam [link] [comments]

Mining on 2miners: After a time my mining window shows a in gray letters: GPU Idle list GPU#0: 1 GPU#1: 1 GPU#2: 1 whatbis that?

Hey there As my title says, after a time mining on 2miners for ravencoin, although everything seems normal, i get in gray Letters "GPU Idle List" What does that mean? Thnx a lot! Vince submitted by /u/marc-fabian [link] [comments]

ECB endangers itself by waiting around on digital euro, says ConsenSys exec

“Who’s gonna use the euro in its current form? There are gonna be so many choices” said ConsenSys South Africa lead Monica Singer.

When and how should I invest?

Hi I’m new to mining and I mine with NiceHash. I want to start trading to Ravencoin as I only have a 1050Ti. When are the prices usually low and when are they high? submitted by /u/CoolHeadeGamer [link] [comments]


CRYPTO WILL HELP SAVE LIVES AND MAKE YOU MONEY AT THE SAME TIME!! $MASK is a token on the Binance Smart Chain expected to release tonight. Their goal is to donate 3% of transactions to "Doctors Without Borders"( In an effort to provide COVID-19 relief to struggling countries. If you're reading this right now, you're…
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Post your mining photos

submitted by /u/GurObvious7747 [link] [comments]

Edward Snowden is auctioning his first NFT

submitted by /u/thefoodboylover [link] [comments]

I can’t believe that a meme coin in 24hours has actually perform better than what my entire portfolio has done the past 14 days.

I saw a lot of post about Doge coin but I didn't actually pay attention so a few hours ago I looked it up and I just so that within the past 24 hours the Doge coin aka the joke coin has actually done more than 225%, and now has a market value of more…
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Ever just see the top 5 coins and laugh at this point

Currently its: BTC, ETH, XRP, BNB, DOGE There are more joke coins and centralized projects in the top 5 than there are decentralized cryptos with use cases. Now I have no hate for XRP and BNB investment wise but morally it goes against the theme of crypto about being free from control from centralized parties.…
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