Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

HiveOS dual mining for ETH and RVN with all AMD cards

Hi, is anyone using hiveOS for dual coin mining for AMD card? (ETH + RVN). What algorithms are you using? Since I cannot use 2 team red miner I am using team red miner for ETH and nbminer for RVN. Compared to team red miner the nbminer seems to take a much longer time to…
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PSA: If you suddenly stop recieving ads to earn BAT on Brave, make sure you are updated to the latest version

You receive ads to earn BAT in Brave Rewards ONLY on the latest most updated version of Brave browser. Sometimes when a new update comes through, many people do not get the update button on the triple dash menu for 1-2 days, and during that time you stop receiving ads from Brave Rewards, which is…
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Are MOONs Changing The Way Social Media Works Forever?

Times are changing. Since I have joined this sub, I have thought about how revolutionary the concept of MOONs actually is. You literally get paid to provide support and content for r/Cryptocurrency . This has previously been unseen, as social media has often been a concept that only takes away from your life; this includes…
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Nano’s latest innovation – feeless spam-resistance.

submitted by /u/SenatusSPQR [link] [comments]

Is ~66MH/s a joke?

Asking for a friend….a friend who’s just using his gaming rig to dip his toe into ETH. submitted by /u/Heavy_light_N7 [link] [comments]

Bitcoin Surpasses Facebook in Market Capitalization at $1.14 Trillion

submitted by /u/mirza1h [link] [comments]

I’m a Doge Holder.

I have just bought 50,000 RavenCoin. Just started mining raven as well. Still holding DOGECOIN not selling that either. submitted by /u/Rocket2MoonSr [link] [comments]

Influence – Ethereum Powered Space Strategy MMO —-Launches today—

Holy crap!!! What a ride guys. Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far. The ETH community always amazes me and we would not have been able to bring this game to the point of launch without many of the hard-working blockchain wizards who lurk within this sub. So thank you thank you…
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When will Bitcoin price rally end? Here is what’s backing the BTC bull run

Are BTC prices sustaining due to a continuous stream of good news, or is there more at play?

Best US-based mining pool?

As the title says, what is the best mining pool in the USA? submitted by /u/SolorMining [link] [comments]