Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Moving fast and strong. Stay strong

submitted by /u/Help-find-new-planet [link] [comments]

Siacoin finally shining

Ive been HODLING Siacoin for sometime now and it makes me real happy that its finally shining in the spotless. Decentralized affordable cloud storage will become huge in the future in my opinion. The development team is ahead of competitors like filecoin and storj. Not to mention…Skynet?! How are you not going to invest in…
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submitted by /u/BigDickSwinger6 [link] [comments]

Bitcoin At $100,000: Estimating The Chance Of Six Figure BTC In 2021

Bitcoin price (BTC) reached a new all-time high this week, soaring to almost $65,000 on Wednesday the 14th of April. With Bitcoin’s price now in “blue sky territory” and its market cap sitting comfortably around the $1.17 trillion level, the big question is – just how high will the current bull market push the BTC […]

Is it a good time to buy Ethereum?

I understand it will probably go up at a point but is now a good time to buy or a dip is expected? submitted by /u/letsdosomethgfun5157 [link] [comments]

Crypto Noobz: A critical concept to learn if you want to better understand cryptocurrencies as a user

Frequently when people try to explain cryptocurrencies, they end up talking about blockchain, proof of work, decentralized systems, blah, blah, blah about algorithms and you'll find yourself thoroughly confused. It's better to try to focus on learning about specific aspects of crypto and slowly develop your understanding over time, because it really is a complex…
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Help with Mining on RTX 2080

Hi guys, I'm new to mining so sorry if any of this is stupid questions. I've been looking around online at what hashrates people have been getting with the RTX 2080 and it looks like its around 28 MH/s and I start out there when I launch my miner (T-Rex v0.20.0) but it always steadily…
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Coinbase’s $86bn Valuation Has Been Grossly Exaggerated by Misleading Media

Coinbase shares closed at $327 on their Nasdaq debut, giving the crypto exchange an initial market cap of $86bn on a fully diluted basis. Fully diluted refers to the total number of common shares outstanding and available to trade on the open market after all possible sources of conversion. But some feel this measure gives […]

Daily Discussion – April 17, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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ETH bonanza as three North American Ethereum ETFs approved in one day

Canadian stock market investors will soon have a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to Ethereum ETFs.