Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

US Lawmaker Warns Treasury Secretary and Fed Chair Not to Ignore Bitcoin or America Will Fall Behind

Congressman Kevin McCarthy has urged Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell not to ignore bitcoin like they have been trying to do. He believes it is the future, emphasizing, “I do not want America to fall behind” other countries. Government and the Fed Should Not Ignore Bitcoin GOP leader Kevin McCarthy […]

Don’t be discouraged if your life only allows you to put a little bit into crypto.

When I first entered this sub, with only a pocketful, a nominal amount of crypto, I generally believed most of the people here are in with tens of thousands of dollars. Turns out, 46% of people here do have over 10K in crypto. It intimidated me. People are more financially qualified, and/or have been in…
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All Hands on Deck for IOTA’s Chrysalis 2.0, This Is What You Need to Know

IOTA is ready for a major milestone with the launch of the Chrysalis phase 2 also know as the final stage for IOTA 1.5. The bridge network between IOTA and the Coordicide event which will lead it to full decentralization, Chrysalis will roll out on April 28th, 2021. Dev Update, April 2021 – Our engineering […]

Crypto users demand reinstatement of Pakistani government adviser following sudden resignation

Zia Ullah Bangash’s potential departure from an important role in facilitating Pakistan’s regulatory environment for crypto had many threatening to withhold votes and demanding answers.

Anti-coin neighbor gleefully asked me what I was going to do now that I “lost my life savings in last nights crash”

I get on ok with a neighbor and we talk investing and retirement at times. He’s a good decade older. He is a good neighbor but definitely has a chip on his shoulder that I can afford to live next to him at my age with where home prices have gotten here. I don’t know…
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Formula for calculation ethereum profit?

Hello, I'm trying to find one place where I can find how to calculate the profit taking into account which GPU is used. Unfortunately, even on, I could not find any info about about that or some formulas that could help me do that. One of the formulas which I have found was :…
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People who lie about where they’re from to earn moons are idiots.

I just got into cryptocurrency recently, and this sub recently still. A lot of people are very happy to learn about crypto by posting and reading here, and earning moons alongside that is great! But, there are some people that abuse the moon system in stupid was. There is a post getting popular right now…
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App Store potential.

I feel like the natural next step for an altcoin with so much potential would be a decentralized App Store run on the network. The fees for app developers have skyrocketed on Apple, and tons of alternatives have popped up, but they al cost money to join upfront. With RVN, you can have any price…
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