Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Bitcoin on balance sheet attracts negative attention from anti-crypto banks

Having over 90,000 BTC on the balance sheet could see a company’s stock blacklisted by banks that remain crypto detractors.

I lurked the 4chan crypto board for 2 months, here is what I learned:

So I decided to visit the infamous /biz/ board on 4chan out of a mix of lockdown boredom and curiosity. I heard it’s basically the polar opposite of the crypto subreddit, while still being focused on the same subject so it had me wondering what it is like on 'the other side’. Ripple holders on…
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When to make the switch?

Im currently mining eth with 3 x 1070 + 1 x 1660ti + 1 x 3070 and i have two 1060 3 gb Waiting until i make the switch to RVN. When would you make the switch to RVN? submitted by /u/OldBadgerGaming [link] [comments]

Which projects have used Ropsten ETH?

Hi everyone, I'm doing a bit of research about which which crypto projects have used Ropsten ETH, or more specifically, got their community to gather Rospten Eth from faucets and test their protocall or Dapp with it. I know one example is Keep network, but I'd like to know if there were any others. If…
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Leading Bitcoin Payments Processor Bitpay Joins Crypto Patent Alliance COPA

The world’s largest provider of cryptocurrency payment services, Bitpay has announced the company is joining the Square-founded crypto patent effort the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA). Bitpay has been working with blockchain products since 2011 and the firm will share open-source projects and use a shared patent library with the crypto patent organization. Bitpay Joins […]


Help… Here's what happened. At about 11:23, I decided to place a limit order to buy 5.3 ETH for $2,204 each. At 11:24, I received a message saying my 5.3 ETH was filled at $2,204. So, I decided to check my account, and realized that my portfolio only says 4.3 ethereum instead of 5.3 ethereum.…
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Bitcoin price drops to $52K, liquidating almost $10B

Fears of regulatory moves come as a brief hash rate crash from a Chinese power blackout already begins to rebound.

Smart contract exploits are more ethical than hacking… or not?

What is certain is that exploits only get points for being less disastrous than their counterpart.

HODL and still buying! RVN to the MOON!

submitted by /u/CarefulAd2059 [link] [comments]

Lost $94 in fees for nothing in Metamask-Uniswap. If this is normal its unacceptable.

submitted by /u/Iris_monster [link] [comments]